Conference Geosciences: a tool in a changing world

The R3AW project presented two communications at the conference Geosciences: a tool in a changing world, the 3rd to 6th September, in Pisa, Italy.


In the session S12. Mineral and biosphere interfaces: focus on environmental processes and technologies our researchers talked about alkaline wastes and recovery technologies:
  • [KEYNOTE] Gomes H.I.*, Rogerson M. & Mayes W.M.: Management of highly alkaline steel slag leachate: impact of biofilm and hydraulic configuration on neutralisation
  • Funari V.*, Gomes H.I., Cappelletti M., Fedi S., Braga R., Dinelli E., Mayes W.M. & Rogerson M.: Metal recovery from MSWI fly ash and bottom ash by bioleaching and ion-exchange resin.